首页 - 学生的经验 - 学生活动



Getting involved in activities outside the classroom is one of the most rewarding aspects of college life. 如果你有兴趣的话, 但不要在下面列出它, feel free to contact the Office of 学生生活 about creating a new student organization on campus.

以下是目前提供的组织, but students have the opportunity to form new organizations if they find an interest.

Click on the categories below to see all of our current opportunities to get involved in a group.

学生协会 Leadership Team Entities (funded by Student Activity fees)

灯塔的报纸, Produces a student newspaper to inform and enlighten students on campus activities and issues.

类委员会- - - - - - 代表班级并计划班级活动. 官员是选举产生的职位.

校内, 提供校内运动:极限飞盘, 夺旗橄榄球, 篮球, 手球, 躲避球, 和排球.

宣传, 促进学生的校园活动.

参议院- Represents the student body’s concerns and promotes positive change on campus.

多民族事务, and provides advocacy and guidance for multi-ethnic groups on campus in an effort to effectively represent Roberts’ diverse community.

社会生活, 策划和实施校园社会活动.

历史学家 - Preserve the history of student activities and the student association, 协调Chesbronian年鉴


物理学生学会(SPS)-促进和传播物理知识, encourages interest in physics and introduces students to the professional community.

学生教育协会- Promotes dialogue on important topics facing the field of education and teachers in the workplace, 并为当地儿童策划服务项目/筹款活动.

体育专业社团 This organization aims to support professional and service activities outside of the classroom.

医疗俱乐部- The purpose of this organization shall be to bring together students interested in pursuing a career in the medical field and aid them in the process toward their personal and professional goals.

音乐治疗俱乐部 -这个俱乐部的目的是建立相互关系, 情感, and spiritual support for individuals interested in music therapy while advocating for greater awareness of music therapy at Roberts and the Rochester area.

护理俱乐部 - To bring nursing students together for recreation and service to the Roberts Community and the local community as well. It will also allow Freshman and Sophomore nursing students an opportunity to network with Junior and Senior nursing students.

数学和科学俱乐部 A place for math and science students to come together and discuss issues in math and science and to have fellowship outside of the classroom.

〇心理学会 The mission and purpose of the Psych Club is to serve the campus and greater community while exploring, 理解, 在日常生活中分享心理学原理.


基督里的弟兄姊妹(BASIC)- Provides students with the full Gospel to encourage them to develop their full potential as Christians.

基督教运动员团契-促进和鼓励运动员在罗伯茨的精神成长, while seeing the world impacted for Jesus Christ through the influence of athletes and coaches.

中华民国固体 –established to minister to a small group of college-aged students and to learn about God in a variety of ways, 包括敬拜, 证词, 以及当地社区的服务项目.

免费的- The Fellowship of Revolutionaries Empowering the Enslaved (免费的) fights against human trafficking.

I.H.S. (在他的服务)俱乐部- 促进校园内天主教学生之间的联系. 

校园180 -

以耶稣之名 - Our mission is to serve and love others just as Christ has served and loved us, specifically through service projects and outreach in Chili and Rochester.


铜管室内乐- Performs an array of styles ranging from early Baroque to modern music. 这个剧团每周排练一次, 每学期演出一场音乐会, 通常由小号组成, 法国号, 长号, 和大号.

合唱团- Devoted to the study and performance of high-quality choral music from diverse styles, 音乐时代, 语言, 和文化, 这是RWC首屈一指的声乐合奏团. 每周排练四次, 每学期演出几次, and takes biennial domestic tours and quadrennial international tours. 需要试镜.

舞蹈团队- Gives students the opportunity to express themselves through dance, performing on campus.

福音唱诗班- Exposes the Roberts community to Gospel music while providing students and faculty with another style of worship. 无需试镜.

爵士乐组合/合奏- Rehearses weekly and performs composed and improvised music derived from the American big band tradition, 非裔美国作曲家, 当代古典音乐, 和更多的. 爵士乐团需要试镜

男人的合唱-演奏无伴奏合唱、南方福音、四重奏风格的音乐. 无论是主修音乐的还是非主修音乐的.

歌剧表演- Provides experience in the art of Opera with a 生产 every year. 需要试镜.

RWC社区乐团(RWCCO)-提供高品质的管弦乐音乐体验. The Orchestra consists of approximately 60 RWU students and Rochester area musicians, 每学期演出2-4场音乐会. 需要试镜.

弦乐室内乐-包括弦乐器手,每年举办一场音乐会. 只邀请.

剧院小-戏剧制作的教师主导方面,包括表演, 生产, 后台, 集, 和推广.

风合奏-每周排练三次, 每学期举办2-4场音乐会, and takes biennial domestic tours and quadrennial international tours. 需要试镜.

女子合唱团-包括主修和非主修音乐的女性. 不需要试镜.

木管五重奏-包括长笛,单簧管,双簧管,大管和圆号. 每年举行一次音乐会 & 仅限邀请.

长笛合唱团 – Rehearses once a week, audition only (restricted to advanced players)


While the perspectives of 特殊利益 organizations do not necessarily reflect those of 美高梅mgm平台, we support our students as they explore a variety of interests and issues.

全球俱乐部- Helps international students connect with Americans and provides a place to share about cross-cultural experiences.

ICARE连接- Facilitates positive connections among students across all disciplines and makes accommodations as partners with the BELL (Bridge to Earning, 学习, 和生活)计划.

滑雪俱乐部- Provides an opportunity for students to ski/snowboard and create a sense of community.

学生多元文化咨询委员会(SMAC)-通过接受打破障碍,搭建桥梁, 拥抱和庆祝来自不同文化背景的人们.

SAAC – Student Athlete Advisory Council (Department club through 体育运动).

终身学生-对生活问题进行教育, 帮助那些需要帮助的人,让生活成为一个有希望的选择, 并促进爱和尊重.

非洲学生会(ASU) - recognize and celebrate the differences of African cultures present on campus

视野 - A supportive community to increase awareness and acceptance regarding LGBTQ+ issues and culture.

妇女赋权俱乐部 – Bring together the community of women at Roberts to create a safe space and speak about current issues our society is facing regarding women and gender inequality.

男性赋权俱乐部 ——鼓励和提倡坚强的生活艺术, God-fearing man in a world that hinders you and work to promote and showcase Godly community to the campus.

8 .学生组织原则







